

Textile roof top range.
Overcamp offers additional storage capacity on roof rack, allowing you to carry your sporting equipment easily: your bicycle, canoe, surfboard, hand glider or other accessories for your favourite sport. Another feature of this roof top tent is the unique Double-up system which allows you to obtain twice the normal living space by fitting two tents on one roof.
You can carry two Overcamp even on the smallest of cars and obtain four places (2+2) or eight places on large vehicles (4+4) providing two totally independent bedrooms. Overcamp is the unrivalled choice for adventure going people.

The Small 130x200cm (for 2 adults) and Large 180x200cm (for 2 adults and 2 children) sizes enhance the distinctive features of the Roof Tent: practicality and versatility. These models even when open remain perfectly in shape with the vehicle roof, with a well-profiled and safe support. They do not protrude from the roof design of the vehicle, do not have suspended parts like the typical overhang supported by the ladder. This means having a stable bed, without oscillations, which offers maximum reliability even during wide or sudden movements inside the tent. Being in shape to the vehicle roof gives also significant advantages in terms of regulations, as for parking and sleeping in public areas. With the sizes of these Tents, stops are allowed everywhere, without being forced to look for a campsite.

Overcamp Tech-TV

Opening and closing

Once you have removed the cover, the tent opens in three seconds, simply by pulling down and lowering the ladder. Nothing further is required!

apertura 1
apertura 2
apertura 3

size small


Recommended for 2 adults
OC/01 – Overcamp Small
Close h:
65 x 200 x h 35
Open h:
130 x 200 x h 100
54 Kg*
size small


Recommended for 2 adults + 2 children
OC/03 – Overcamp Large
Close h:
90 x 200 x h 35 cm
Open h:
180 x 200 x h 115 cm
66 Kg*

• K200 fabric:

Standard equipment:
with mosquito net.
WING on request, useful protective pre-entry, ideal in case of bad weather.
for fitting the tent to the roof bars.

to transform the doors into awnings.

: when opened, the tent does not jut out from the vehicle.
• 1 steel ladder (h closed: cm 170 - h open: cm 245).
: Side positioning: the tent will occupy only half of the car roof space. Available combinations: Small + Small, Large + Small, or Large + Large on large vehicles.

Standard Position: the tent remains open, without jutting from the vehicle

Double Up Side positioning: the tent will occupy only half of the car roof space.
You can fit: Small + Small, Large + Small or Large + Large on large vehicle.

The exclusive hinge mechanism allows a safe and secure overhang to one half of the tent, allowing bikes, surf boards or other sports and leisure equipment to remain in place on the other half of the vehicle’s roof bars, always ready for use.


The most important thing about a tent is obviously the fabric and with OVERCAMP by Autohome you can be sure you are getting the best there is. The superior quality is provided not only by the density of the material, able to guarantee insulation against the heat, cold and bad weather, but also by the stability it gives to the tent.


The density also helps to make the tent silent even when buffeted by the wind: there is no noisy flapping or turbulence.
The special Overcamp fabric is manufactured exclusively by Autohome with features that are able to match up to the toughest military specifications. As unlike conventional and unreliable fabrics – common in the mass market and discount stores - as possible.


1.The fabric is structurally highly performing and dense, guaranteeing maximum density for the tent even if it is 2 metres above ground.

2. It is breathable and does not require the support of additional bulky sheeting. These are generally used only to hide condensation inside the tent, without reducing it (something non-experts may not immediately realize).

3. It does not flap or make a noise in the wind or a morning breeze, guaranteeing a peaceful night and pleasant awakening.

4. With the Overcamp fabric, everything is flush to the walls of the tent, preventing the irritating “sail” effect in windy conditions.

5. The windows can be opened and closed even staying in bed.

6. No “balloon/ball effect” because the roof is stable, sewn tightly to the walls. No “flying” and no flapping.

For anyone sleeping well above ground these are vital features.
And that is not all…

7. In the evening, with the internal light on, no disturbing rays enter the tent; the thick, compact fabric provides maximum privacy. So, no peeping either.

8. At sunrise, the fabric remains dark, so you can stay in bed as long as you want.

For all of the reasons set out above, Overcamp fits an UNDOUBTEDLY SUPERIOR RANGE OF FABRICS.


Dettagli Tecnici A
Dettagli Tecnici B
Dettagli Tecnici C

Dettagli Tecnici D
Dettagli Tecnici D
Dettagli Tecnici E

A. B.
The closed tent can contain 2 or 4 pillows, depending on the model, and night-time accessories. For example, a rucksack and blankets can be fitted inside the tent, so they don’t take up room in the boot or inside the vehicle.

When choosing a roof tent, the height is important because it shows how much room there is inside and how easy it is to move about, hence the comfort. Even just a few centimetres more or less make a big difference: everything has been calculated to ensure that a person of average height (170-190 cm) can sit comfortably without the head coming close to the ceiling. The width (SMALL /MEDIUM) depends on the number of occupants. The windows are big enough to give an excellent view and small enough not to compromise privacy.

WING INCLUDED: Entrance protection included for extra shelter in case of rain or for more privacy.

The widest possible door is provided, 170 cm in the Small version and 195 for Medium.

Standard bases include 2 strong C-shaped steel bars to hook the tent onto the vehicle roof rails, using the clamps supplied.


The exclusive Autohome security system allows all tents to be used on any vehicle: small cars, off-road vehicles, station-wagons, MPV’s (or people carriers), camper vans, and pick-up trucks...
A universal, quick attachment system, allows you to position the tent safely in any position, with no risk of damage or modifications to the body of the vehicle.
Various fixing kits are available to suit.

Numerous kits are available according to specific needs (with you order, specify the year and make of vehicle).

Logo montaggio
Standard Clamps

Universal System Autohome is a certified installation system. Avoid imitations!
TUV Rheinland ® ID: 0000024461


Clamps with different measures are available for the roof racks with a larger section.
At the time of the order, specify the alternative model of clamps, if it is necessary.(Art. 177/M-7.2, Art. 177/M-9, Art. 177/M-11)

LONG Clamps
X-LONG Clamps
XX-LONG Clamps
  • Popular because of the “modular” design which can be set alongside a matching tent. Together, the bedding is for up to eight people, off the ground.
  • For a large family, an adventure team or use with a surfboard, kayak or bicycles.
  • High-density fabrics standard in the “OVER” range.
  • AUTOHOME. When experience makes all the difference.
    We’ve always been number 1. For good reason.
    We have managed to combine imagination and the traditional quality of “Made in Italy”.
    The result is our roof tent: the first, the original and still the biggest seller.
    Every Autohome tent is an expression of our experience and the advice of famous adventure travellers. These two elements have given rise to a complete range of tents. A huge always up-to-date catalogue to ensure you get the tent you want.
    Quality, reliability, comfort and a large number of accessories.
    We do everything to make sure you sleep well.


Catalogo Autohome
Instructions and recommendations for use are an integral part of the product,
present in each packaging.

View Overcamp series instructions.



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More info

Textile roof top range.
Overcamp offers additional storage capacity on roof rack, allowing you to carry your sporting equipment easily: your bicycle, canoe, surfboard, hand glider or other accessories for your favourite sport. Another feature of this roof top tent is the unique Double-up system which allows you to obtain twice the normal living space by fitting two tents on one roof.
You can carry two Overcamp even on the smallest of cars and obtain four places (2+2) or eight places on large vehicles (4+4) providing two totally independent bedrooms. Overcamp is the unrivalled choice for adventure going people.

The Small 130x200cm (for 2 adults) and Large 180x200cm (for 2 adults and 2 children) sizes enhance the distinctive features of the Roof Tent: practicality and versatility. These models even when open remain perfectly in shape with the vehicle roof, with a well-profiled and safe support. They do not protrude from the roof design of the vehicle, do not have suspended parts like the typical overhang supported by the ladder. This means having a stable bed, without oscillations, which offers maximum reliability even during wide or sudden movements inside the tent. Being in shape to the vehicle roof gives also significant advantages in terms of regulations, as for parking and sleeping in public areas. With the sizes of these Tents, stops are allowed everywhere, without being forced to look for a campsite.


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